Set up a password (BB 10)
Go to Settings from the home screen.

Select Security and Password followed by Device Password.

Set Device Password and Simple Password to ON.

Enter your desired password when prompted and then again after to confirm.

Set up a password (older devices)
Select Options (spanner icon).
Scroll down the menu and select Security Options.
On the following screen, select General Settings.
Set Password to Enabled. On the screen that appears, enter your desired password. If a screen does not appear, you may have already set a password for another application. That is your default password.
Set your number of password attempts. This is the number of incorrect guesses you get before your phone clears its memory. Be cautious when choosing a number
Additional Options: Security Timeout refers to the amount of time your device is inactive for before it requires a password unlock. Select yes for Prompt on Application Install if you want to be prompted for your password when installing applications.
Enable Phone Location
BlackBerry Protect is a fantastic tool that most BlackBerry users are familiar with. It provides the user with everything they need to find the phone’s GPS location, lock the screen and have it ring or even wipe everything from its memory. However, to find your phone these are the steps that need to be followed:
From the Home Screen, swipe down from the top and select System Settings on your device and then select BlackBerry Protect

Make sure the BlackBerry Protect toggle is switched to on

After that, dive into the Location Services button, and make sure Location Services is enabled there
Now that Protect is working, you could by all means go out and lose your phone. Actually, go on, I dare you to go out and lose your phone! Okay, fine, don’t, but let’s say that you did accidentally lose it or put it in the fridge and forgot about it. Punch in on the first browser you can get a hold of after learning you lost your BlackBerry. Log in using your BlackBerry ID credentials - these are the same ones you set when you first booted up your Z10, Q10, or Q5, and the same password you use to authenticate BlackBerry World purchases. From here, it’s a simple matter of clicking View Location from the menu items in the web browser.